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Australia, a place that is a continent as well as a country. All those who apply for Australia immigration, they immigrate not just to a country, they immigrate to a whole continent. The name of Australia has been taken from the Latin word Australia, which means southern, legends of an unknown land of the south.

Thousands of immigrants who settle in this country every year and all the locals consider Australia as a “lucky country” which is characterized by its political stability, pulsating economy and a high standard of living that is envied by many. Australia is also popular around the world for its stunning landscapes and among all those who apply for Australia immigration.

Australia is certainly one of the most promising countries in the world to live in and do business. The country certainly has an enviable reputation as it provides premium standard of living.

Thousands of people move through Australia immigration every year to work, study, tour or to live their permanently.

If you want to study, work or immigrate to Australia in a fair and hassle free manner than you need to contact Greenaly Immigration Consultant to get the right consultancy service


Australia Student Visa

Australian Student Visa Australia GIC Immigration Consultant Global Resettlement Solutions is a one-stop education center for students who wish to Australian student visa Australia. Our team of expert consultants provides students with services like visa processing, eligibility assessment and application processing – services that help them get through the entire Australian Student Visa process in a hassle-free way.

Australia is a blend of contemporary cities, majestic landscapes and a well-acknowledged education system, Australia is among world’s leading countries to live and pursue tertiary studies in. With Greenaly Immigration Consultant, you get years of diverse experience and know-how that ensure expedited processing of a Student Visa to Australia.


Australian Student Visa Requirements
When applying for student visa, you will have to provide evidence of the following:-

  • Financial requirements – evidence of sufficient funds to cover tuition, travel and living expenses. If you have dependents (spouse and children) travelling with you, you will have to show an evidence of being able to cover living expenses for all.

  • English proficiency – It is mandatory for all students to prove their proficiency in English language via a good IELTS/TOEFL score

  1. IELTS (Academic module): Overall score of 6.0 band  with no band less than 5.5 for Bachelor’s degree

  2. IELTS (Academic module): Overall score of 6.5 band with no band less than 6.0 for Master’s degree, some universities except the profile with 5.5 band in any subtest with ELICOS.

  • Health requirements – Some students may have to undergo medical checkups to show they are in good health. If asked, you need to submit your test reports with a doctor’s prescription claiming your good health.

  • Character requirements – All students applying for the Student Visa to Australia are assessed against the character requirements which include a criminal record check and getting a police clearance, to make sure they do not have a substantial criminal record.

Document Check List
While applying for a Student Visa for study in Australia, make sure of having the following in your document file.

  • Visa application form

  • Visa application fees

  • Electronic Confirmation of Enrollment (once your consultant has applied to institutions)

  • IELTS result (average score 5.5 Bands)

  • Prior academic study documents

  • Any prior work experience

  • Statement of purpose

  • Evidence of financial ability

Advantages of Study Visa
There are a number of advantages of your Australian Student Visa.

  • Study – But Of course, it allows you to take up tertiary studies in the country and gain knowledge

  • Work – While pursuing education in the country, you can work for 40 hours per fortnight during regular semester classes and work full time during vacations.

  • Post Study Work – Australia allows students 31 years old and above to legally work and apply for permanent residency.

  • Visitor – While your study in Australia, your close family members as dependents can also stay with you.

  • Spouse can also accompany (spouse must be graduated)

Rejection of Student Visa
All students wanting to study in Australia have to undergo an assessment under Genuine Temporary Entrant to check whether the prospective students are genuinely coming for pursue education or using the visa for some other personal purpose. Here is a list of factors studied by the immigration officers of Australia before considering or rejecting the application:-

  • Previous study record and relevance of course applied

  • Previous immigration history

  • Gap between previous studies and intended study

  • Reason behind choosing intended course, institutions and Australia for studies

  • Financial background

  • Economic, social and political background of native country

We process:

  • Higher Education Sector

    • 75% of applications in 29 days

    • 90% of applications in 53 days

Your application can take longer processing time if:

  • you do not fill it in correctly

  • you do not include all the documents we need or if any other information is required

  • it takes us time to verify your information

We can’t process your application if you do not pay the correct visa application fee. We will notify you if this is the case.

Student visa (Subclass 500)

—  Visa File Cost: Non-Refundable application fee paid by credit card (AUD 575) Additional Applicant, if:

  • Above 18 (AUD 430)

  • Below 18 (AUD 140)

Working Rights

Student visa holders can work for a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight when their course is in session, and once the course has commenced.

A fortnight means 14 days starting on a Monday.

If you are under 18, you must prove you have either:

  • Nominate a student guardian

  • Nominate a parent, legal custodian or relative over 21 years of age as your student guardian. This person must have a visa to stay in Australia for the duration of your student visa or until you turn 18.

We, at GIC Immigration Consultant Global Resettlement Solutions, are a one-stop education center for students who wish to study in Australia. Our team of expert consultants provides students with services that help them get through the entire Australian Student Visa process easily and in a hassle-free way

Australia Business Visa

A business visa offers a number of advantages including a Work permit visa of up to 4 years and the applicant’s immediate family members listed on the application to live, work and study in Australia with them. At Greenaly Immigration Consultant, we have a team of expert consultants that guide you through processes like process and visa application, eligibility assessment, and ensuring that the application for visa is submitted and processed successfully within an appropriate time period for you to easily travel to Australia.


With a comprehensive economic policy framework, Australia offers a highly competitive market which has a sound, stable and modern infrastructure that serves as an ideal destination for investment. There are the two major reasons that make Australia a favored destination for doing business.

Business and Investor Migrants

Visas fall into two main categories:

  • Provisional visas are pathway to permanent residency in Australia

  • Permanent residency visas allow migrants to live and work in Australia


There are a number of visa options for new business and investors:

  • Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa

  • Business Talent (Permanent) (subclass 132) visa


Existing business and investor visa holders may be eligible to apply for one of the following visas:

  • Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) (subclass 888) visa

  • Business Owner (Residence) (subclass 892) visa

  • Investor (Residence) (subclass 893) visa

Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa
The Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) is part of the Business Innovation and Investment Program .

You must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect and be nominated by a state or territory government or Austrade on behalf of the Australian government before being invited to apply for this visa.

The visa( Subclass 188) includes four streams:

  • Business Innovation stream: for people with business skills who want to establish, develop and manage a new or existing business in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by a state or territory government.

  • Investor stream: for people who want to make a designated investment of at least AUD1.5million in an Australian state or territory and maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by a state or territory government.

  • Significant Investor stream: for people who are willing to invest at least AUD5million into complying significant investments in Australia and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants can be nominated by a state or territory government or Austrade on behalf of the Australian government.

  • Premium Investor stream: for people who are willing to invest at least AUD15million into complying premium investments in Australia and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by Austrade on behalf of the Australian government.

Holding this visa is the first stage before becoming eligible to qualify for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888).

Business Innovation stream-Subclass 188


  • A genuine and realistic commitment to be involved as an owner of a new or existing business in Australia.

  • State or territory sponsored provisional visa with no minimum English requirement. .

  • Be less than 55 years of age

  • An overall successful business career.

  • Net business & Personal assets (Net-worth ) of $800,000.

  • A Business turnover of $500,000.

  • 65 points required for Qualifying.

In addition the DIBP criteria, if applicants seeking Queensland state nomination must meet the following criteria:

In addition to the DIBP criteria, applicants seeking Queensland state nomination must meet the following criteria:

  • An investment of AUD$500,000 in the proposed business if intending to establish a business in Brisbane or the Gold Coast.

  • An investment of AUD$300,000 in the proposed business if intending to establish a business in other regions of Queensland.

  • Be less than 55 years old.

  • Preference will be given to investment in businesses in the agribusiness, tourism infrastructure, resources, infrastructure and education and training sectors, particularly in regional Queensland.

NSW Criteria
In addition the DIBP criteria, applicants seeking NSW state nomination must meet the following criteria:

  • You must demonstrate that you meet the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) criteria for the Business Innovation & Investment visa by providing sufficient documentary evidence to prove eligibility.

  • You are aged less than 55 years at time of application.

  • If you are seeking to migrate to SYDNEY, your business must have an annual turnover (refer point 2 above) of at least $1.0 million.

  • If you are seeking to migrate to SYDNEY, you must have net personal and business assets (refer point 3 above) of at least $1.3 million.

You must provide a full resume of your business career and responsibilities demonstrating a successful business career.


You must provide a Business Commitment (see NSW Business Commitment template) for a profitable business in NSW demonstrating sound knowledge of the Australian market, providing details of research activities that you have undertaken and an evaluation on how your proposed business or investment will perform in the NSW context. The ownership share must be at least 51% with turnover of less than A$400,000 per annum, or 30% of a business with turnover of more than A$400,000 per annum, or 10% of a publicly-listed company.

Your Business Commitment must include at least $300,000 in business investment if your business will be in REGIONAL NSW. Your Business Commitment must include at least $500,000 in business investment if your business will be in SYDNEY. Your Business Commitment cannot be in one of the excluded industry sectors3 if your business will be in SYDNEY.


You must provide evidence of the availability of funds for settling and living expenses for not less than 1 year.

If DIBP have previously refused to grant you a business skills, business employment or Business Innovation & Investment visa, or has canceled such a visa, NSW may not sponsor you for a provisional visa unless you can show mitigating circumstances.

  1. The ownership share must be at least 51% with turnover of less than A$400,000 per annum, or 30% of a business with turnover of more than A$400,000 per annum, or 10% of a publicly-listed company

  2. Investment in business must be in either: property, plant & equipment; inventory, or; goodwill (if Purchased).

  3. Excluded sectors include: Cafes & Restaurants (ANZSIC H4511); Takeaway Food Services (H4512); Supermarket & Grocery Retail Stores (G4110); Fruit & Vegetable Retailing (G4122); Specialized Food Retailing (G412); Newspaper & Book Retailing (G4244); Clothing Retailing (G4251); Footwear Retailing (G4252); Other Personal Accessory Retailing (G4259); Houseware Retailing (G4213); Manchester & Other Textile Goods Retailing (G4214); Other Electrical & Electronic Goods Retailing (G4229).

In addition the DIBP criteria, if applicants seeking Victoria state nomination must meet the following criteria:

To be eligible for visa nomination by the state of Victoria, you will need to:

  • meet the DIBP eligibility requirements for this visa; and

  • have a genuine commitment to remain in Victoria and to engage in ongoing eligible business activity within 23 months of visa activation; and

  • agree to transfer no less than A$600,000 net assets (of which A$400,000 will be available for business) to Victoria within 23 months of visa activation.

Business Talent (Permanent) (subclass 132) visa

There are two streams under visa subclass 132:


  1. Significant business history stream:

  2. Venture capital entrepreneur stream:

DIBP Requirements
You might be able to get this visa if you are nominated by a state or territory government agency and are invited to apply by the minister.

You must also either:

  • have net business and personal assets of at least AUD1.5 million and an annual business turnover of at least AUD3 million if you intend to apply for the visa in the Significant Business History stream, or

  • have obtained at least AUD1 million in venture capital funding to start the commercialization and development of a high-value business idea in Australia if you intend to apply for the visa in the Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream.

Note: New South Wales (NSW) is now closed to applications for nomination under the Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP).

NSW has exhausted its allocation of nomination applications this program year.

NSW is unable to accept emailed applications for the BIIP until the new program year commences 1st July 2020. This includes the:

  •        *Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) and

  •       * Business Talent visa (subclass 132)


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